Congrats on taking the next step to keeping more money in your pocket!

Please complete each of the steps prior to your Tax Discovery Session. This will ensure you are prepared for each of your calls. If a step is not completed, we’ll reschedule your call for a later date.

Step 1: Watch this video to maximize your Tax Discovery Call.

Before Our Discovery Session:

  • Check Zoom Link in appointment confirmation
  • Access Zoom 5 minutes before meeting
  • All decision-makers must attend your session – Spouse, Parent, Financial Advisor, etc
  • Review Pricing Guide and pricing FAQs
  • Please complete this questionnaire at least 2 business days before the meeting. Important notice: If it is not completed 2 business days prior to the meeting, your meeting will be canceled.

Discovery Session Agenda

During your Tax Discovery Session, we’ll discuss:

  • Did you do your homework?
  • Tell me about you…
  • Discuss your needs and concerns
  • Any questions about Alexis or Cerebral?
  • Let’s clarify our expectations
  • Next steps

Step 2: Watch the video and learn more about our philosophy and core values.

Step 3: Learn more about the Cerebral Journey and what it’s like to work with us.

After your Tax Discovery Session is completed, this is what will happen:

  • You will receive a quote and an agreement to review
  • If you decide to hire Cerebral you will have access to your private Client Portal and move to the Deep Dive Session
  • At the Deep Dive Session a plan will be designed and all the strategies will be discussed.
  • Once we decide together which strategies to move forward with, we’ll help you with the implementation you and you will move into your Tax Maintenance Package.

Step 4: Check out some of our many success stories

“We found Alexis through the White Coat Investor website and it has been a completely different experience. We felt very comfortable with her pretty quickly. As we worked with her further, it became clear we were finally getting the level of support we needed. She responds within a day by email and is available via video or telephone conference, if necessary, usually within a couple of days. She has been professional and knowledgeable about the tax process and she is genuinely a very nice person. We finally feel like we have the tax support our family needs with her. She has been a pleasure to work with and we appreciate her help and expertise. We highly recommend her!”

Dr. Kieron Barkataki and Anusha Krishnadasan, PhD (Bakersfield, CA)

“I was looking for the exact opposite of what I had in a tax advisor.  Everything before was basic and not tailored to my specific situation. Cerebral is a great fit for us. They cater to physician families and spend time discussing which option to pursue. Since Cerebral, I’ve experienced a marked reduction in the amount of taxes I have had to pay yearly as well as a vastly increased knowledge of tax strategies for my business.”

Dr. David & Megan Eskind (Nashville, TN)

Thanks for completing these steps prior to your Tax Discovery Session.
We’re looking forward to meeting with you soon.