Incorporation Is Not for Everyone

If you’re not good at paperwork, the corporate form of business is probably not for you. Let me tell you about a tax court case involving William H. Bruecher III. He learned a lesson by paying more than $27,000 in taxes on monies his corporation supposedly loaned to him. Mr. Bruecher’s corporation did not pay […]

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When do I file MFS versus MFJ?

Your marriage status has a large impact on your taxes. But even when you’re married, you still have a serious tax choice to make. While taxes aren’t the most romantic topic to discuss with your partner, you’ll want to have the talk. So, cuddle up in bed, get a glass of wine, grab your tablet,

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How to make taxes less daunting

Why is tax season so daunting? Well, we all fear the unknown. And for many business owners and medical professionals, April is the month of the unknown. How much money will I owe? How much money will I have left? What are the consequences of that financial decision I made earlier in the year? Many

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Step-by-step tutorial of the Mega Backdoor Roth through Fidelity Investments

I am always looking for ways to put more money into my retirement. Chris and I currently have 10 (yes ten!) retirement accounts with a mixture of pre-tax and post-tax accounts. Each account has its own unique set of rules, contribution amounts, and investment strategies. For example, Chris, at his neurosurgical practice, has a 401k

Step-by-step tutorial of the Mega Backdoor Roth through Fidelity Investments Read More »

How a couple saved $126,000 in tax for retirement, and found peace of mind during a big business change

Jeff and Trisha are a couple with two kids living in California. When they came to Cerebral for advice, Jeff had recently changed from doing W-2 work to running his healthcare business as a full 1099 independent contractor. Jeff already had a strong feeling he was paying too much tax. He had all kinds of

How a couple saved $126,000 in tax for retirement, and found peace of mind during a big business change Read More »